Welome to your path to wellness.


Osteopathy is a holistic approach to healthcare that focuses on identifying, treating, and preventing health problems through the manipulation of the musculoskeletal system, fascias, organs and liquids. It emphasizes the body's natural ability to heal itself and seeks to improve overall function and alleviate pain without the use of drugs or surgery. Osteopaths use hands-on techniques to enhance movement, promote circulation, and support the body's structure and function.

The main difference between osteopathy and other physical modalities is that osteopaths are trained to listen to their patients' body structures with their hands, establishing a very unique communication with gentleness and care.



Let’s get you back to your regular health state.

Identifying the root cause(s) of your condition

In all of our session together, we’ll start with a series of questions that aims to find the potential causes of your symptoms that your are experiencing in the moment. What’s the timeline, was there a triggering event, are there multiple factors implicated? Or maybe you’re experiencing chronic pain that increases with stress and fatigue? All of these questions will have an impact on our evaluation and treatment of your specific case.

Osteopathic treatment

This is where things get funky! Osteopathy can be quite straightforward with a very biomechanical approach. Pulling on tensions, moving articulations, all of the things that are quite similar to others modalities like physiotherapy or chiropraxy.

But osteopathy can be very soft, subtle and non invasive. A form of touch that is not seen in any other practices.

Osteopaths are trained to listen to the body structures with a level of sensitivity that take years to master. My approach is much more centered on that form of osteopathy. All forms of osteopathy are valid and needed, but the more gentle approach is the one I believe is deeper and respectful of the life forces that are present in the human body.

It’s connection over technique.

If that speaks to you, welcome!

Physical evaluation

When we have a good idea of the potential causes that are present in your story, the next step is to search for explanations of the symptoms in the body structures. Are there any tensions or misalignment that can explain the pain?

One of the specificity of osteopathy is the capacity to understand the links between all the parts of the body.

Sometimes the area of pain is tension free but we find other parts that are lacking mobility and this is where the work needs to be done.

What’s next?

At the end of each sessions, I will give you recommandations, exercices and tips to make sure that the treatment is optimal and the results last as long as possible.

Depending on your condition, and if it’s a first time in osteopathy, you can expect three sessions to begin with.

We’ll continue for as long as needed, granted that there are improvements.

Who am I?

My name is Jean-Félix Perreault and I am originally from Drummondville, Québec. I graduated in osteopathy back in 2015. My path is quite atypical, but the constant element in my story is that I always was interested about understanding humans in general. Why do we do the things we do? What is happiness? What makes us healthy? Why are we here? Deep questions, yay!

This is how I found out about osteopathy. I though it was aligned with my quest of exploring those questions. And it certainly was a good way.

Right out of school I started my own clinic in Quebec (Rouyn-Noranda) with a social model that was creating accessibility to people in need. I did that for 6 years.

Two years ago, I sold everything I had and left for a 2 years traveling journey in Thailand, Laos, Mexico and Guatemala.

During that time, osteopathy was a bit on hold. I started a relationship coaching practice, focussing on attachment styles, communication and emotionnal regulation. I starting helping people explore their emotions with family constellations and focussing.

I have a podcast (in french) on all those subjects as well as my journey through it all.

Two years later, I am back in Canada and the opportunity to work in Moncton presented itself. Yay again!

I have a strong wish to come back to my osteopathic roots while integrating the emotion component in the search for the causes of physical pain.

I really hope we can connect on that level too!

What can you expect from using my services?

In physical therapy, no one can promise results.

But what I can promise is professionnalism, a strong quality of listening and a high level of care. From listening to your story, asking and answering questions, to choosing the best approach to treat your condition, you can expect a service that will create trust between us.

The first thing you can expect is for me to listen really deeply to who you are as a person. I’ll do everything I can to see your life as you see it so I can help you in a way that is both confortable and efficient for you.

If that speaks to you, you are at the right place!

Does it speak to you?

Are you ready for this experience?